Are you driven and motivated for improvement? Start QA Training:

Agile Consulting | Training

Agile Consulting | Training

What We Provide

We provide Consultancy, Coaching, & Mentorship

Our approach encompasses the core elements of any successful agile transformation: executive alignment, system changes, employee empowerment, co-creation, change facilitation, behavior and mindset change, agile mastery, and technical craftsmanship.

We customize each transformation by

  1. Assessing: Understanding your organization’s current maturity, goals, and motivations.
  2. Designing: Building upon your strengths to determine your ideal path.
  3. Developing: Building out your organization’s capabilities, knowledge, and craftsmanship.
  4. Operationalizing: Facilitating the incremental implementation of sustainable changes in culture, processes, and technology.
  5. Adjusting: Redirecting efforts based on the outcomes of each change cycle
We offer a 4 weeks training program if you are not already certified PACKAGE

Get Certified

Getting you Certified with a top recognized accreditated agile organization in the US


Work placements for live projects execution

NOTE: We also have 4 weeks of training available for already certified applicants to gain hands-on work experience by placements on live projects

Classes occur on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons for FOUR Weeks*

Contact us to start your application